What and How of recording an impactful introduction video

Keep in mind that the speech you give on the video will be your business card, you must adequately prepare the speech in advance. While you may be tempted but it is not a good idea to just wing it. Remember that you want to put your best attributes forward, and because this is a recording, if you prepare well there no chance that you will forget any.

When it comes to recording an introductory video the content and duration are equally important. Any longer than 2 minutes and you risk losing your prospective employer’s attention. With myintro, you have 2 minutes recording time for your introduction, and you can replay and retake as many times as you need to before saving the final version. There is more, myintro gives you an option to add 2 additional 2-minute segments apart from the Introduction video.

Here are some things to keep in mind when writing your speech. Don’t forget, this is your first impression!


This part of the video should ideally be the shortest since in the opening segment, should only include your name, professional title, and country of residence and origin if they are different. If you feel like this part of the introduction is too short, then we assure you that it is supposed to be short.

There is no need to talk about your marital status, siblings, family, pets or hobbies. These topics will eventually come up once you become part of the team and are friends with your hiring manager and other team members.


Next important aspect to cover is your education. Most employers will want to know your level of education, and therefore this is an important component of your introductory video. Mention your highest level of education, university and relevant specialties and certifications.


This is the most important piece of information for an employer, regardless of the position you are applying for, and should therefore take up much of the video. Mention your latest designation, different positions you have held, some of the relevant companies that you have worked for in the past and your role and responsibilities and expertise. Don’t forget to slide in a couple of achievements as well.


Best to state your next step / goal in the closing segment on the introduction video. Prospective employers would really appreciate your candid take on your goal and expectations so they can truly gauge fitment within their organization. If you are unsure a simple Thank You with a smile is a good way to close the video.


Hello, my name is Jane. I am currently working as Director, Sales and Marketing. I have 8 years of total work experience primarily in sales and marketing. I am from Spain but working in London for the past 8 years. I completed my MBA from IE Business School, Madrid. In the last 8 years I have climbed up the ranks having started as an intern at ABC and then moved to BCD as Assistant Manager, Sales and Marketing. After 3 years I was promoted to a reginal manger position and now working as director for the last 2 years. I am responsible for lead generation email campaigns and google ads for multiple clients and am supported by a team of 12 executives. I have been instrumental in driving a 38 percent improvement in valid leads for my portfolio of clients over a period of 12 months. I am now looking to expand my role and responsibilities and take on a more challenging position in a multi geo organization.

Now that your speech is ready it’s time to record. Follow these basic rules and your will shine.

Camera at eye level: No one wants to be looking up your nose because you have your camera too low. So, either get a webcam and place it on the top of your screen – or easier and cheaper, raise your laptop by a foot or so (a pile of books will do the trick). And make sure the audience can see your head and shoulders. While myintro app is available for android and iPhone we do not suggest recording using you’re a handheld shaky phone. Get a phone stand if you really need to use the phone.

Good lighting: This is a must! If people can’t see you, your facial expressions, your eye connection – they’re not going to engage with you. Natural light is the gold standard. Face the light source when recording and let your personality shine through. Lighting from behind the screen works best, so try out a few locations.

Dress to impress: First and foremost, wear your smile, a smile projects positive energy and sets the stage for the interview. We suggest getting your clothes ready the night before so on the day of the recording you don’t have to make any nervous decisions or wear wrinkled clothes. Remember, the intention is not to make a fashion statement, but come across as clean and well-groomed. Don’t blend in the background either or shine too bright. You want the interviewer to be paying attention to what you have to say instead of being distracted by what you’re wearing.

All the best!

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