Privacy and Security Policy

This Privacy and Security Policy is provided for the benefit of customers and clients of Myintro (“Myintro”) as well as other consumers and parties who seek information from or about Myintro, its website(s) and related platforms, and/or applications, (collectively referred as, “Myintro Services”).

Our Commitment to Privacy

This Policy sets out the commitment of Myintro to collect and process personal information and sensitive personal information (collectively, "personal data'') in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations on data privacy and its implementing rules and regulations ("DPA IRR"). This explains how Myintro implements that commitment, and the terms and conditions under which we collect and process information. In processing data, we seek to adhere to the general privacy principles of transparency, legitimate purpose, and proportionality, and such other relevant principles in the collection, processing, and retention of data as required by applicable law.

1. Applicability of Privacy and Security Policy

Our Privacy and Security Policy applies to all individuals and entities from whom or for the benefit of whom we receive personal data, whether it be collected through our corporate owned websites, Apps, electronic communications, or from some other medium, from our clients.

Myintro Services cater specifically to job seekers actively pursuing opportunities. Our platform empowers users to create a comprehensive profile, including a video introduction and responses to interview questions. These personalized presentations can then be effortlessly shared with potential employers or clients, enhancing engagement and showcasing candidates' strengths effectively.

2. Personal Information Collected and How It Is Used

Information Collected

Personal Data is any information that would, by itself, identify you or tend to identify you as a particular individual or entity. This Personal data may include, but not be limited to, your name, your address, birthday, banking details, and/or personal identification number such as a social security number, driver’s license number, or passport number.

In creating and registering an account for any of Myintro’s Services (whether through a Website, App, or other platform), we collect information submitted by you including, but not limited to your name, your address, birthday, banking details, personal identification number such as a social security number, driver’s license number or passport number, email address, contact phone number, technical means (devices): the IP address of the host, the type of operating system, browser type, geographical location, and any other information that is automatically received when accessing the website using bookmarks (cookies).

We use this information to identify our customers and send notifications related to the use of Myintro Services. We reserve the right to request additional information from you.

We may also collect information relating to one or more of your financial accounts for purposes of processing payments to provide you with our services. This information may likely contain both personal data and non-personal data, depending on the nature of the account holder information.

Collecting and Using Personally Identifiable Information

Generally, Myintro will only collect personal data upon registration to any Myintro Services. We will use the personal data collected only when necessary and only for the purposes intended.

We may also use your personal data to communicate with you through email, text message, phone call, or other electronic, written or oral communication method, unless you expressly indicate to Myintro not to use a particular method of communication.

The personal data received by Myintro will remain as the data subject’s property. Myintro undertakes that it will not in any manner share or disclose any information without the expressed written consent of the Data subject, except for the purposes for which the data have been collected.

As part of Legal Compliance, Myintro may be required to disclose any information about you in response to lawful requests by public authorities by virtue of lawful orders. We may also disclose any information about you and/or Content created by you as we, in our sole discretion, believe necessary or appropriate to:

  • Comply with an order from a court of competent jurisdiction, regulatory agency, and/or other governmental authority;
  • Respond to claims, court orders, or other legal process (including subpoenas);
  • Enforce the terms of this and other Myintro agreements as well as to protect the property and rights of Myintro, its Strategic Partners or other third parties;
  • Protect, in Myintro’s sole discretion, the public or any person from harm;
  • Investigate, prevent, stop, or take other action regarding any action perceived to be fraudulent, illegal, unethical, or legally actionable in Myintro’s sole discretion; and/or, generally,
  • Comply with the law.

Unless restricted from doing so, Myintro will attempt to notify you before it releases any of your Personal data or Content pursuant to the above-cited paragraph. In such cases, Myintro will also provide you with general information on how you may seek to block such a release of information and/or direct you to resources that can provide such general information. The provision of such general information to you is not and should not be construed as providing you with legal advice. Additionally, Myintro is under no other obligation to assist you in challenging or opposing a release of your information.

In addition to collecting personal data, Myintro will also collect other non-personal data and these may be utilized without restriction. Although non-personal data can be used in a number of ways, you can be assured that the use of the non-personal data cannot identify you as a particular individual.

Information Obtained From Use of Myintro’s Websites

This website makes use of cookies, which may be set by our web server or provided by a third party. These are small text files that are automatically downloaded to your browser upon visiting this site. These then collect your browsing data in order to help the site better interact with you and other visitors. In other instances, cookies are also relevant for authentication, session management, and performance analytics.

Data Retention

Myintro shall use commercially reasonable efforts to maintain storage information subject to the terms of this Privacy and Security Policy and the Terms of Use.

The length of time for which Myintro retains personal data and other information will vary depending on the nature of the services for which the information has been collected and the nature of the information.

Although this period may extend beyond the end of your relationship with Myintro, it will be retained for only so long as necessary for Myintro to respond to any issues arising from your relationship with Myintro.

When Myintro no longer needs or requires your personal information in the normal course of business operations and/or due diligence, or where a business customer no longer needs or requires your personal information and either consents or requests to the deletion of such content, Myintro will destroy, delete, erase or convert information to an anonymous form without notice to you.

Depending on the package of services purchased, when applicable, Myintro may delete information including, but not limited to, stored messages, interviews, videos, audio, other content, and records of your account without notice to you. Myintro recommends that you backup on your own computer any critical and important information prior to allowing your Myintro Services to terminate or expire.

Should your account be terminated, Myintro may immediately and permanently delete all stored messages, interviews, videos, audio, other content, and records of your account without notice to you.

3. Consent

Myintro may obtain personal information about you through a variety of sources. For each source or method, the manner of consent may differ. In general, Myintro operates on an “Opt-IN” basis. That is, Myintro will obtain your consent to use information provided to it by describing the intended use and requesting that you indicate your agreement.

At any time, you may expressly inform Myintro you do not wish your information to be used in a particular manner through account settings. While there is no penalty to change your settings, Myintro may not be able to provide certain services without the ability to use your information in particular internal settings.

Where Myintro obtains information about a consumer from its customers or other third parties, Myintro presumes that the consumer has previously provided appropriate consent to the party from whom Myintro obtains the information. In any case, the consumer can be assured that this Privacy and Security Policy applies to any information obtained from a third party.

Control of your Personal Data

For any of the various ways in which you can control your personal data, particularly by limiting the collection, use, disclosure, and retention of your personal data, Myintro has a designated Privacy Officer to which you should submit all inquiries and requests at

4. Access and Deletion

You have the right to access or delete your personal data. Subject to certain limitations imposed by applicable privacy laws, you have the right to request that Myintro delete or provide you with a copy of your account and/or personal information and/or information regarding how we have used that personal information.

Any requests for access or deletion of information should be directed to our Privacy Officer at the contact information provided below.

We will make every effort to respond to your request in a reasonable timeframe consistent with applicable law.

We provide you the means to correct much information that Myintro may have about you. Where you cannot change incorrect information about you in our system, you may request incorrect information to be corrected at any time by contacting

5. Security

Myintro takes the issue of protecting your anonymity and personal information very seriously. Myintro protects the information it obtains about you with appropriate, commercially reasonable safeguards, and security measures consistent with standard information practices. These measures include commercially reasonable technical and procedural steps to protect your data from misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, loss, alteration, or destruction.

Data Breaches

Should there ever be a data breach of Myintro, Myintro shall inform (a) its data controllers, (b) the owner of any breached information, or (c) as otherwise required by law.

When Myintro informs any data controller of a breach of data or information held by Myintro as their data processor, the data controller shall within five (5) business days of being so informed (a) make a determination whether such data breach must be reported under applicable law and, where the data controller determines such data breach to be reportable, (b) report such data breach to the relevant authorities and data subjects.

Further, the data controller shall hold harmless and indemnify Myintro from any claims arising from a delay or failure to report such breach to data subjects. This indemnification includes a duty to defend.

Following any disclosure by the data controller to the relevant authorities and/or data subjects, the data controller shall inform Myintro that such disclosure has occurred.

By using Myintro, each data controller agrees to these terms. Where an owner or licensee of consumer data is neither a data controller or data subject, such owner or licensee agrees to these terms as well.

6. Incorporation of Other Applicable Terms

Your use of our Apps, Website and Myintro Services is subject to this Privacy and Security Policy as well as the Terms of Use, the terms of which are incorporated into this Privacy and Security Policy by reference. You should carefully review the Terms of Use (hyperlink TOS).

As a business customer of Myintro, you expressly agree that you shall and have met any and all requirements specified above that have been imposed upon it as to the quality and sufficiency of efforts to protect data and individual privacy.

7. Customer Obligations

By using the Myintro Services, you agree to use any information about any other Myintro Customer, particularly personal data, obtained through Myintro Services in a manner consistent with the Terms of Use, this Privacy and Security Policy, and the privacy protections provided for in such policies.

8. Revisions to Privacy and Security Policy

Myintro reserves the right to revise, amend, or modify this Privacy and Security Policy, our Terms of Use, and other online policies and agreements at any time and in any manner. Notice of such changes will be provided by posting the revised policies to the applicable Myintro owned website, application, or any other platform and by either (a) providing you a message the next time you login into your account or (b) sending you electronic mail to the email address you provided when creating your account.

With respect to this Privacy and Security Policy, you should visit our website at from time to time to review the then-current terms. At any time, you acknowledge that the updated policies govern and shall be binding.